
Statement of Use Trademark Overview and Fees

If you have recently filed an “intent to use” application for a mark or logo in connection with your business, it may be time to file a Statement of Use.  But what exactly is a Statement of Use? Do I need one for my business? And will I have to pay a Statement of Use fee?  These are questions...

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5 Top Tips on How To Trademark a Logo

A logo is a design, a stylized text, or both. It represents your business or product in a manner that is distinctive enough to set it apart from others. The Nike ”swoosh” symbol and the uniquely stylized lettering of the Coca-Cola trademark are two examples of internationally successful logos. Without the exclusive trademark rights attached to these logos, however,...

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Do I Need a Lawyer to Register a Trademark?

Do you need a lawyer to apply for a trademark registration? Well, that depends on who you are. A trademark lawyer is a legal necessity for a so-called “foreign applicant,” for example. But given the complexities of the trademark application process, hiring an attorney is also a very good idea for anyone else seeking trademark protection. Benefits of Federal...

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Trademark vs. Copyright—What Is the Difference?

I frequently receive calls from potential clients seeking to protect their brand or a writing, but unsure whether they need to file a trademark application or obtain a copyright registration.  What is the difference between trademark and copyright law? In fact, they are distinct from one another in several different ways. In a nutshell, a trademark is a word,...

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How to File a Trademark Application [Step-by-Step]

Your name, logo, or slogan are important parts of your business’s identity. To protect that identity—and your business’s reputation—it is important to file a trademark application form to start the process of registering your trademark. Doing so is relatively easy and can save you many legal headaches in the long run. If you are looking to register a trademark,...

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Three Tips on How to Find an Affordable Trademark Attorney

Your brand name or logo is an important part of your business. Whether you sell goods or provide services, your brand is how customers identify you. Registering a trademark allows you to protect the association your customers have with the goods and services of your business. However, if you’ve spent any time researching how to file a trademark, you’ve...

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